Adi Kailash

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हिंदू पौराणिक कथाओं में लिखा है कि शिव ने आदि कैलाश में कुछ समय तक ध्यान किया और रुके थे। आदि कैलाश भगवान शिव और मां पार्वती का निवास स्थान है। हिंदू पौराणिक कथाओं के अनुसार आदि कैलाश पंच कैलाशों में से एक है। हिंदू धर्म में ओम पर्वत और आदि कैलाश को बहुत पवित्र माना जाता है। इसके दर्शन मात्र से आपका अंतर्मन प्रबुद्ध और शुद्ध हो सकता है। ऐसा माना जाता है कि यहां व्याप्त ब्रह्मांडीय ऊर्जा किसी भी व्यक्ति को बदल सकती है।

कई निजी ट्रैवल एजेंसीज़ के साथ कुमाऊँ मण्डल विकास निगम भी हर वर्ष इस यात्रा का आयोजन कराता है। यह यात्रा KMVN द्वारा काठगोदाम और धारचूला से बुक करवायी जा सकती है।

क्षेत्र की भौगोलिक स्थिति और मौसम के कारण यह यात्रा सर्दियों और बरसात में नहीं होती। वर्ष 2023 के लिए यात्रा कार्यक्रम इस तरह से है।

Price: The price for the Adi Kailash Yatra package from Kathgodam to Kathgodam is 40,000.00 (Forty Thousand inlusive of GST) per traveler
Duration: 07 Nights & 08 Days

Day 1: Kathgodam to Pithoragarh 1627 mtr via Jageshwar (196 km / 9-10 hrs).
Day 2: Pithoragarh to Dharchula 910 mtr (96 km / 4-5 hrs).
Day 3: Dharchula to Gunji 3200 mtr (71 km / 5-6 hrs) via Bundi village, Chiyalakh, Garbiyang.
Day 4: Gunji to Nabhidang 4266 mtr and back to Gunji via Kalapani (22+22 km / 6-7 hrs).
Day 5: Gunji to Jolingkong 4378 mtr – Adi Kailash and back to Bundi (86 km / 9-10 hrs).
Day 6: Bundi 2740 mtr to Chaukauri via Dharchula (193 km / 8-9 hrs).
Day 7: Chaukauri to Bhimtal (209 km / 9-10 hrs) via Patal Bhuvanshwer.
Day 8: Bhimtal to Kathgodam (21 km).

Batches Starts from Kathgodam

Batch No       


Batch – 1

04 May – 11 May

Batch -2

07 May – 14 May

Batch – 3

10 May – 17 May

Batch – 4

13 May – 20 May

Batch – 5

16 May – 23 May

Batch – 6

19 May – 26 May

Batch – 7

22 May – 29 May

Batch – 8

25 May – 01 June

Batch – 9

28 May – 04 June

Batch – 10

31 May – 07 June

Batch – 11

03 June – 10 June

Batch – 12

06 June – 13 June

Batch – 13

09 June – 16 June

Batch – 14

12 June – 19 June

Batch – 15

15 June – 22 June

Batch – 16

18 June – 25 June

Batch – 17

21 June – 28 June

Batch – 18

24 June – 01 July

Batch – 19

27 June – 04 July

Batch – 20

30 June – 07 July

Batch – 21

05 Otc – 12 Otc

Batch – 22

08 Otc – 15 Otc

Batch – 23

11 Otc – 18 Otc

Batch – 24

14 Otc – 21 Otc

Batch – 25

17 Otc – 24 Otc

Batch – 26

20 Otc – 27 Otc

Batch – 27

23 Otc – 30 Otc

Batch – 28

26 Otc – 02 Otc

Batch – 29

29 Otc – 05 Nov

Batch – 30

01 Nov – 08 Nov

Batch – 31

04 Nov – 11 Nov

Batch – 32

07 Nov – 14 Nov

Batch – 33

10 Nov – 17 Nov

Batch – 34

13 Nov – 20 Nov

While returning on the last day from bhimtal the group will be droped at Kathgodam Railway station by 8:30am approx and tour will be concluded.

ADI KAILASH & OM PARVAT Yatra 2023 from Dharchula

Quick Itinerary Dharchula to Dharchula from 05 May to 18 November
Duration : 04 Night & 05 Days
(Package Amount for Adi Kailash Yatra from Dharchula to Dharchula Rs. 30,000.00 (Thirty  Thousand inclusive GST) per traveler.


Day 1: Dharchula (9:10m) reporting.
Day 2: Dharchula to Gunji 3200 mtr (71 km / 5-6 hrs) via Bundi village, Chiyalakh, Garbiyang.
Day 3: Gunji to Nabhidang 4266 mtr and back to Gunji via Kalapani (22+22 km / 6-7 hrs).
Day 4: Gunji to Jolingkong 4378 mtr – Adi Kailash and back to Bundi (86 km / 9-10 hrs).
Day 5: Bundi (2740 mtr) to Dharchula (53km / 4 hrs).

Batches Stars from Dharchula

Batch No       


Batch – 1

05 May – 09 May

Batch -2

08 May – 12 May

Batch – 3

11 May – 15 May

Batch – 4

14 May – 18 May

Batch – 5

17 May – 21 May

Batch – 6

20 May – 24 May

Batch – 7

23 May – 27 May

Batch – 8

26 May – 30 May

Batch – 9

29 May – 02 June

Batch – 10

01 June – 05 June

Batch – 11

04 June – 08 June

Batch – 12

07 June – 11 June

Batch – 13

10 June – 14 June

Batch – 14

13 June – 17 June

Batch – 15

16 June – 20 June

Batch – 16

19 June – 23 June

Batch – 17

22 June – 26 June

Batch – 18

25 June – 29 June

Batch – 19

28 June – 02 July

Batch – 20

01 July – 05 July

Batch – 21

06 Otc – 10 Otc

Batch – 22

09 Otc – 13 Otc

Batch – 23

12 Otc – 16 Otc

Batch – 24

15 Otc – 19 Otc

Batch – 25

18 Otc – 22 Otc

Batch – 26

21 Otc – 25 Otc

Batch – 27

24 Otc – 28 Otc

Batch – 28

27 Otc – 31 Otc

Batch – 29

30 Otc – 03 Nov

Batch – 30

02 Nov – 06 Nov

Batch – 31

05 Nov – 09 Nov

Batch – 32

08 Nov – 12 Nov

Batch – 33

11 Nov – 15 Nov

Batch – 34

14 Nov – 18 No

Please note that as per the itinerary mentioned above, travelers are required to report at Tourist Rest House KMVN in Dharchula by 01:00 pm, and the package will commence post-lunch. All the necessary formalities for the yatra will be completed at Dharchula on the same day.

On the return journey, lunch will be provided at Dharchula, after which the tour will conclude.

To secure a reservation for this yatra, kindly reach out to Kumaon Mandal Vikas Nigam (KMVN) via their online portal, by visiting one of their offices, or by completing the form provided below. Once submitted, your query form will be promptly forwarded to KMVN for processing, and you can expect a reply from them in due course.


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Disclaimer: is neither the organizer nor the promotional partner for this yatra. It does not assume responsibility for the accuracy or management of the event. The information in this post has been sourced from Kumaon Mandal Vikas Nigam (KMVN), so for updated information, please contact them.



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